How it works

What we offer

We provide an end to end solution, including the materials and services required for you to give your patients the most exceptional treatment experience possible. This includes the hardware such as the actual treatment appliance, the scan boxes for virtual remote monitoring and retainers for every case. Our service also includes the diagnostics, treatment planning, possible refinements and patient support. For your convenience we can also provide your office with individualized marketing materials to create the orthodontic demand in your office.

What you can expect

When you submit a new patient to OrthoRequest, our process will immediately start. We create the patients case, request a virtual setup from our hardware provider and create the entry for virtual monitoring.

You are in charge.

Our industry experts will create an individualized, custom treatment plan for your patient which will result in a virtual setup to treat your patient. You have full control over the treatment plan and virtual setup, any changes you would like to make will be added.


Once the virtual setup is finalized, we will ask for your approval. Our industry experts will make sure that our protocols are in place and respected to guarantee a satisfying result for both you and your patient.

Start of treatment

The appliance and the virtual monitoring device will be shipped to your office, the treatment is ready to start. With our instructions, you can place the appliance, instruct the patient how to use the virtual monitoring device and get your patient on the way.

During treatment

Through virtual monitoring, our industry experts will monitor your patient weekly! When necessary, we will directly instruct your patient to adjust the treatment or instruct you to call the patient in for further follow up. Open communication ir part of our service, so you know exactly what's going on with your patients.

End of treatment

When all parties are satisfied with the treatment result, we will instruct you how to debunk the appliance. If necessary, we can provide refinement options and/or retainment options.

Happy patient, happy doctor!